Tales of the Coffee Mugs…

English: Since somebody objected to the image ...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Anyone who knows me or has read any of my posts here, understands that one of my most favorite things each morning is that first mug of good hot coffee. My day doesn’t really come alive until I can enjoy that first sip of the stuff—almost too hot to actually drink—with a splash of half-and-half, and then, and only then, the day is permitted to begin and all things are possible.

And over the course of the years, our coffee mug collection at home has grown to the point of being ridiculous, almost to the point of qualifying for some Discovery Channel series, I’m thinking. We’ve almost run out of space in our kitchen cabinets that are reserved for the things. Be that as it may, I have two or three favorites I go to regularly, and, conversely, there are those I never use.

My criteria for my favorites consists of the following: size, shape, design or logo or other witty saying on the mug, and memories it conjures up. For example, one of my “regulars” is from the

2328-2448-homeHockey Hall of Fame, a place we visited in Toronto last summer about this time. Another one I enjoy came from the Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum in Springfield. It’s a perfect size and fits my hand ideally each morning (the mug, not the museum!)

A few that I don’t care for are usually those my wife has “collected” from various places she or I have visited. For instance, there’s a squatty, round thing that would barely hold enough coffee to sustain a gnat, but it has some design from Cherokee, North Carolina, that she liked, so it takes up space in the cabinet.

For obvious reasons, we don’t have the same number of mugs at our summer cottage. My two

10810494000D--ronjon_i_dont_do_mornings_mugfavorites were the wonderful mug from Ron-Jon Surf Shop in Cocoa Beach, Florida. It’s a perfect size and has the typical Ron-Jon art work with the shark telling everyone: “I Don’t Do Mornings!”

My other “cottage” mug was the perfect mug, in that it was solid, had the name of the restaurant from whence it was “borrowed” years ago, and made me smile every time I thought of the person who did the “borrowing” and the laughs we always shared.

I write about that mug now in the past tense because while I was washing the dishes one morning last week, it slipped from my hand and met its end in the porcelain kitchen sink. I briefly gave some thought to trying to put it back together, but that would have been a fruitless venture, so it found its way into the trash instead.

I don’t think I’ll ever have another exactly like that one. The restaurant is out of business and our dear friend passed away in late March. I really don’t need some coffee mug to help me remember all of the good times with our friend, but it was a constant, silly symbol of friendship through the years that couldn’t be broken—unlike the mug itself.

I’m sure our collection of mugs will continue to grow, and there will be those I’ll love, and those that will sit and take up space in the cabinet. Either way, they will be little reminders of the good times we share together traveling and seeing new places….CortlandWriter

5 thoughts on “Tales of the Coffee Mugs…

  1. I’m so glad to learn I’m not alone in my desire to use a specific mug or two. I don’t drink coffee, but I like my cup of tea in the morning, and I have three mugs I like to use. The rest I leave alone. My kids think I’m crazy, but I think my tea tastes better in my favorite mugs. And now I see I’m not alone. 🙂

    1. Carrie: Yes, coffee or tea always tastes better when it’s in that favorite mug. As far as kids thinking us crazy, I guess we wouldn’t be who we are if they thought of us as anything different! As Jimmy Buffett once said: “It’s OK to be crazy, just don’t let it drive you nuts.”

  2. We must be related, Mark. I’m a zombie until that first cup…that’s what gets me out of bed in the morning. My favorite mug is over-sized, its hold about 2 cups and it’s from the famous Loveless Café in Nashville, TN.
    Oh, I love Ron Jon’s, such a cool place! I also love your beautiful cover photo!

    1. Hi, Jill: Yep, an over-sized mug is another thing I like. I’ve heard of the Loveless, but I’ve never been. I’ll bet it’s pretty cool. The cover photo was taken a couple of summer’s ago, but it’s the very same pier and our pontoon. It looks awfully empty and lonely in the photo. But that’s what I look out on from our screened porch. Thanks for stopping by.

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